I’ve presented at several prior legal seminars planned and hosted by the National Business Institute (NBI). Our law firm focuses on constantly studying developments within personal injury law. So, we look for opportunities to teach or learn. NBI offers continuing legal education courses in numerous states, including Alabama.
On one earlier occasion, NBI planned a seminar aimed at providing practical advice from a panel of distinguished judges in northern Alabama. The attorney scheduled to host the question and answer session had to cancel. I served as a last minute fill-in. I really enjoyed the opportunity to interact with the judges and audience of attorneys. Over the years, I’ve taught at several NBI conferences on the topics of Alabama personal injury law, insurance claims, car and commercial truck accident cases, and workers’ compensation injuries. On other occasions, I’ve attended as an audience member.
On November 17, NBI is sponsoring a seminar in Huntsville titled “Personal Injury 101.” When NBI approached me about being one of the seminar presenters, I was hesitant. Why? I initially thought the topic too broad to provide meaningful information in a one-day seminar. However, when the event planner at NBI explained the actual topics for discussion and the attorneys committed to presenting them, I quickly changed my mind.
This upcoming seminar will provide a wealth of information. I plan to speak about some interesting Alabama appellate decisions in 2010 as well as current product recalls that impact the safety of our citizens. My good friend and fellow attorney, Tony Graffeo, will speak about several issues, including expert witnesses. Tony and I have worked together on several cases. We recently completed a complex business and environmental damages case against a large chemical company. Tony certainly handled some highly technical experts in that case! He understands well the issues and challenges involving expert witnesses. Another attorney will address the issue of insurance liens and subrogation. This is a topic that presents a daily challenge to attorneys handling personal injury cases. I think this seminar will be excellent. Thankfully, I get to present first so I can sit back and enjoy the rest of the presentations. If you are an attorney in northern Alabama, think about attending this event.
The Blackwell Law Firm is committed to legal excellence. Our attorneys regularly write, present and teach at continuing legal education seminars. Firm attorney Jeff Blackwell has written and spoken at numerous seminars on topics related to personal injury laws, trial presentations, expert witnesses and workers’ compensation trials. Firm attorney Jennifer McKown has previously chaired and planned the year-end continuing legal education seminar sponsored by the Huntsville / Madison County Bar Association.