Huntsville Personal Injury Attorneys

Zantac — The Chemical NDMA Causes Cancer

Huntsville Personal Injury AttorneysHeartburn. Acid Reflux. For years, drug companies marketed Ranitidine (Zantac) as a miracle drug. Drug companies even advertised the drug as a lifestyle drug allowing patients to continue eating heartburn-causing foods. What was the cost of this miracle drug that produced blockbuster profits? The public is now learning how ranitidine breaks down into the chemical NDMA, a toxic cancer-causing chemical. How many innocent consumers may have suffered life-threatening cancer injuries from the drug? It’s a topic I’ve discussed in several articles.

For an overview of Ranitidine (Zantac) claims, you can read my article titled Zantac Cancer Injuries. I published the article on our law firm website. My article provides an overview of the drug Zantac, its history and its relationship to cancer-causing NDMA.

The drug Ranitidine (Zantac) reacts with acid in the stomach as well as enzymes in other organs to chemically create NDMA in the human body. For more in-depth discussion about Ranitidine and how the drug chemically produces carcinogenic NDMA, you can read my blog post titled Four Ways Zantac Causes Cancer. I’ve also written some other articles following the growing research and ongoing litigation involving Zantac and multiple cancer injuries. You can read those articles on this blog.

Since I’ve previously discussed Zantac and how it leads to NDMA, I thought I would reference some of the science and health research identifying NDMA as highly carcinogenic. NDMA is highly toxic to humans.


Health agencies in the United States and abroad have long classified NDMA as a probable human carcinogen. Many of these agencies and groups have warned the public about NDMA exposure. These warnings began many years ago. Yet, drug companies continued marketing and profiting from Ranitidine at the expense of consumers. These NDMA warnings should have alerted drug companies to potential dangers. Here are a few agencies that have issued warnings about NDMA cancer risks:


When American and International research agencies started warning about NDMA exposure, the drug companies should have acted. Drug companies should have studied the Ranitidine products they sold to our friends and families. Maybe they did and just did not publish the results? Maybe they turned a blind eye while reaping huge profits?

Many health and environmental groups issued warnings that NDMA is a dangerous, cancer-causing chemical. Yet, the companies producing Ranitidine products continued to sell their drugs for many years to innocent consumers. Do human studies also associate NDMA with cancer growth? Did epidemiological studies show a link to cancers in humans? Yes. Beginning in the mid-1990s, multiple human studies observed increased rates of cancer with (even small) NDMA exposures.


Will the number of Zantac personal injury claims continue to increase? Zantac (Ranitidine) was a blockbuster drug sold to treat problems suffered by many people in Alabama and across the United States. Drug makers even advertised Zantac as a lifestyle drug allowing users to continue eating foods that caused or contributed to their reflux and heartburn.

Many doctors innocently prescribed prescription-strength Zantac to their Alabama patients suffering serious cases of acid reflux or GERD. Huge numbers of other consumers purchased over-the-counter versions of the drug. Non-prescription ranitidine (Zantac) produced blockbuster sales.

Doctors, pharmacists and patients had no idea of the chemical reactions that could produce cancer-causing NDMA. Many long-term users are now beginning to suffer cancers which might be related. In the coming months, we expect many injured consumers to file Zantac-related personal injury claims.


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