A few months ago, I wrote an article discussing Huntsville, infrastructure growth, and the need to focus on work crew safety. With a growing population, comes a need for greater infrastructure. That means more roads and better roads. You can read my prior road crew safety post here:
In past articles I’ve also discussed specific roads that need safety improvements. These include Highway 431 which has been included in listings of the most dangerous roads in the world. Yes, you heard that correctly. Highway 431 has been included in listings containing roads on the edges of cliffs! Why? This highway is especially dangerous because it passes through so many cities and towns with different traffic conditions. Think about all the cities and towns on Highway 431 as you leave Huntsville heading south. I frequently drive Highway 431 from my house in Huntsville to courtrooms in Guntersville, Gadsden and Anniston. It’s a dangerous highway simply because of the traffic it carries and the towns it serves.
My prior articles also include a spotlight on Highway 53 and the need for improvement on this high-traffic roadway. Highway 53 is a terribly overcrowded road for traffic between Huntsville and Tennessee. This road is the major artery for traffic between Huntsville and the state line. Yet, it has not been fully improved for its traffic volume. In my prior article, I include quotes from residents along this highway who witness frequent car accidents. Local community leaders have long-pushed for help with Highway 53. Hopefully, their work will soon pay-off. It looks like needed improvements are finally in the works!
I’ve recently created a slideshow discussing several specific ways we can improve safety for our road construction workers. These workers perform their jobs in very dangerous conditions. They work alongside fast moving traffic. Frequently, the drivers around them are distracted, impatient or angry. Too often, road construction workers are the victims of a car crash. Our office has handled numerous cases involving disabling injuries, including traumatic brain injuries. When a car strikes a person, the results are often tragic. Here is my slideshow:
If you have questions about highway construction safety, let’s talk. We are happy to discuss the issues.
From its office in Huntsville, the Blackwell Law Firm handles serious personal injury cases across Alabama.